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RIF Scheduler - Run your own scheduler

By running your own scheduler you can provide the transaction execution service. In this article you can see how to deploy smart contracts and run the service that will execute the transactions.

1. Deploy the smart contracts

The SP will deploy the smart contract that will keep track of:

  • plans
  • paid tokens
  • scheduled transactions
  • execution states

Read more about the smart contracts here

First of all, clone the repo and set it up as explained in the Readme.

Also, find the deployment scripts in the readme. You will find one for local networks, other for Rootstock (RSK) Testnet and other for Rootstock (RSK) Mainnet.

WARNING: Please note that the contract requires Solidity 0.8 or newer. Compiling it with older versions will expose it to security vulnerabilities.

In the deployment you will need to provide two addresses in the constructor:

  • address serviceProvider_: Can create and remove plans. Can change the payee.
  • address payee_: Receives the tokens paid after executions.
  • uint256 minimumTimeBeforeExecution_: Minimum amount of seconds required between the moment of the scheduling and the execution time requested. This must be greater than 15, it protects the service provider from timestamp manipulation.

Take note of the address.

2. Deploy the service

The service will execute the requested transactions. It stores them in a database and runs a recurrent task to execute them.

Read more about the services here

Clone the repo and set it up as explained in the readme. Please take a look at the disclaimer about the configuration values. The configuration parameters is very important to succeed on the executions. For the ONE_SHOT_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS use the recently deployed smart contract.

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